There's more than just wearing a Mask.
   Here's all you need to know about the wuhan outbreak AKA  corona virus outbreak.

What Really is it? The COVID-19 is actually the Corona Virus Disease 2019 and is caused by the Corona virus(obviously). Now the type of           virus is so called the SARS-CoronaVirus-2.

Are YOu Infected?

The way to know if you are infected or not is not obvious by  the symptoms as they appear like flu.but the easy way to put this is that it unlike the flu virus affects your lungs. Now the case of symptoms might be in two parts.

1.Mild infection

It is the appearnce of mild symptoms during the first days. The infection usually takes 15 days to be noticed. 84% of the cases get mild infection which develops gradually overtime.

The main symptoms include,
  1. Headache
  2. Nasal conjestion
  3. sore throat
  4. Coughing Sputum
  5. Muscle pain          
The very symptoms discussed above are uncommon and are resembling  flu symptoms.The disease however can get fatal and the severe symptoms may appear as time goes on.

2.Severe Infection

The mildness of the disease gradually develops severe symptoms as the disease advances and the virus spreads its course through your lungs epithelium.

The symptoms include
  1. Headache
  2. couphing up blood
  3. kidney failure
  4. decreased white blood cells.
Whats Even Worse

The severity of the case dosnt end here. The disease can progress to pneumonia and multi organ failure if not treated properly.


 As of 20 March 2020, the rate of deaths per number of diagnosed cases is 4.1%; however, ranges from 0.2% to 15% depending on age and other health problems. The mortality rate is not that high as is the fear of spreading.The virus spreads via

  1. Person to Person contact.
  2. Sneeze droplets
  3. Atmosphere 


The pandemic of covid-19 originated from the city of Wuhan(China) and collapsed like a nuclear weapon causing disaster.Many say that the arrogance of the lab work in china was the cause while others called it a biological attack.


The disease is actually diagnose through ''reverse transcription polemerase chain reaction'' (rRT-PCR). This test is done by just a sputum sample or any other respiratory samples.                     

The safety of yourself and the ones surrounding you depends upon the security measures you take and the precausions you follow.Many of us are not taking it seriously and many are afraid if they have got infected.
All of know the safety rules well.

  1. Stay Home
  2. Avoid travels in or out of the infected area
  3. Avoid public activities
  4. Proper hand wash(for 20 seconds each time)
  5. Respiratory hygiene
  6. Avoid touching mouth,nose or eyes often
  7. Cover up mouth with tissue while sneezing
  8. Use elbow to sneeze in
  9. Stay 6 feet apart atleast

Using The Mask

Using a mask is only recommended if someone coughs or sneezes or is taking care of an infected person.


Soap dissolves the fatty outer covering of the virus making it unable to infect you. Washing hands is so necessory as it helps you getting away with infection.


A vaccine is not developed yet to contol the infection and we are mostly relying on contolling the spread of the infection. A vaccine needs alot of time to develop while the curve of the pandemic rises day by day.


Keep social distances,stay inside of houses,wash your hands as many times a day as you can.Help others to stay safe by helping yourself.Pray for those infected and Make the curve shorter by following the preventive measures.


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