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  There's more than just wearing a Mask.    Here's all you need to know about the wuhan outbreak AKA  corona virus outbreak.     What Really is it?   The COVID-19 is actually the Corona Virus Disease 2019 and is caused by the Corona virus(obviously). Now the type of           virus is so called the SARS-CoronaVirus-2.       Are YOu Infected?   The way to know if you are infected or not is not obvious by  the symptoms as they appear like flu.but the easy way to put this is that it unlike the flu virus affects your lungs. Now the case of symptoms might be in two parts.         1.Mild infection It is the appearnce of mild symptoms during the first days. The infection usually takes 15 days to be noticed. 84% of the cases get mild infection which develops gradually overtime. The main symptoms include, Headache Nasal conjestion sore throat Coughing Sputum Muscle pa...


STAY FIT (Hammad Ahmad) Its Your health that matters.Its not wealth that matters.Stay with us to make a healthy start. I am going to give you a proper guide to boost up you daily routine activities and teach you to stay healthier and happier. ADJUSTING THE DIET First of all,ditch that piece of burger in your hand coz thats not the food you need for a better health. AVOIDING JUNK. Junk food or fast aint good on a daily basis and you should refrain from them for a good health.Following are the major factors that can help you with a better diet. HUNGER This is the major factor that carves you to go that fast food store and fetch a burger but thats not going to help you with your health.Its good to have a burger but not everyday.Keep in mind that fried food will probably be bad for your health.So keeping away the minor hunger,you can avoid eating junk food as you'll always be full. DRINKING WATER Drink plenty of water to help yourself overcome unwanted hu...

Solution To The Education

FIXING THE ERRORS (By Hammad Ahmad) SOLVING PROBLEMS     Lets get to the panel of the solutions that i personally came up with while thinking of the problems that we usually face and as i stated in the recent post. More Than Books As I stated earlier in my previous post that our major board books are outdated and the stuff we memorize is no longer in use or useless to be memorized. Never Hesitate:     Never hesitate in gaining knowledge from means other than these books. Keep in mind that               memorizing your course books is also necessory as your grades are the only thing you need according to the current situation of our boards and examiners. Youtube and A levels and O levels        books are the best platforms to surf and obtain more and UP-To-Date Knowledge.      Stealing The Teachers   I have also mentioned in the recent post that most of th...

How Does our Countary Run Education

The questions arise here that is our country actually running the education.Whats even the point of the our education?Do we learn just to get a degree?Are we spending our Money in the right place?Are our children in good hands to be the grown ups?......Blah,blah,blah. Think once again that the money You have,is it worth spending on the Education? Ask yourself,Is my Cash making the Investment thats gonna give me the output i need?