There's more than just wearing a Mask. Here's all you need to know about the wuhan outbreak AKA corona virus outbreak. What Really is it? The COVID-19 is actually the Corona Virus Disease 2019 and is caused by the Corona virus(obviously). Now the type of virus is so called the SARS-CoronaVirus-2. Are YOu Infected? The way to know if you are infected or not is not obvious by the symptoms as they appear like flu.but the easy way to put this is that it unlike the flu virus affects your lungs. Now the case of symptoms might be in two parts. 1.Mild infection It is the appearnce of mild symptoms during the first days. The infection usually takes 15 days to be noticed. 84% of the cases get mild infection which develops gradually overtime. The main symptoms include, Headache Nasal conjestion sore throat Coughing Sputum Muscle pa...